Journey rockin’ in SL?

On February 1st, classic rock band Journey launched the Journey Virtual Island in Second Life. The island Journey Virtual Islandoffers information on the band’s albums, in the form of structures each designed to reflect the respective album. There’s a dance club, streaming all of one (1) video, of the band playing live, and one song(!). There’s a clothing store selling Journey t-shirts and jeans ($L250! I don’t think so…) Pretty sad, all around. I’m told there are activities planned. I’ve subscribed to the fan club in-world. We’ll see what comes across that wire…

I was a fan of the band when Steve Perry was its lead singer. I haven’t followed its own journey since he left in 1997. What I’ve seen today, though, seems like another case of an established business “let’s-jump-on-the-SL-bandwagon-and build a site”. Why am I listening to Sky radio, hits of the 80’s and not Journey songs while walking around the site? Why are the videos not streaming continuously in the dance club, with links to iTunes so I can buy the song easily? Why is the male voice greeting visitors and explaining the site not one of the band members’? Hello?.. Wouldn’t this be a great opportunity for Arnel Pineda, the new lead singer, to introduce himself, if only in voice?…Oy…

To check it out for yourself, click on the following SLURL: Journey Virtual Island

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